Academic Librarian Seminar Universiti Teknologi MARA (ACALIS) 2023, held to improve the professionalism of librarians in the field of writing research/concept papers and innovation papers. The need for scientific writing is in line with the UiTM Library's direction towards Globally Renowned University (GRU) 2025.
This program involves the presentation of research papers/concepts and innovation papers related to the field of libraries with a specialization in academic libraries that include topics in the professional leadership of librarians, social media applications and disruptive technologies in libraries, information literacy and key issues in the distribution of information resources as well as the role of librarians in the goal sustainable development (SDG).
The specialization of this field is in line with the function chart of the MARA University of Technology (UiTM) Library which is the Department of Organizational Management, the Department of Library Planning and Development, the Department of Digital Libraries, the Department of Library Services and the Department of University Archives.
To encourage the writing of research/concept papers and innovation papers as well as information sharing between librarians.
To increase the impact of the Journal of Academic Library Management (AcLiM) which will contribute to the University's ranking score.
To support management's motto towards "1 staff, 1 publication”